Arson Files

About the Project

The project Incendiary Patterns was developed as part of a Master's thesis in the Research Architecture department at Goldsmiths University in London.

Special thanks go to ARI Berlin for their invaluable support in consulting on data collection, building the dataset, and generously sharing their own data. I would also like to thank apabiz in Berlin and taz for access to their physical and digital archives, as well as VBRG and the Initiative Halskestraße for the insightful and enriching interviews.


The Fire Archive is a compilation of the following datasets: the documentation "Bundesdeutsche Flüchtlingspolitik und ihre tödlichen Folgen" by ARI Berlin, the chronicle "Opfer rechter Gewalt" by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the documentation "Mut gegen rechte Gewalt" by Stern and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the research by taz for the year 2015, the Parliamentary Requests to the Federal Government by Ulla Jelpke, PDS and Die Linke, Reports of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz) from the federal and state governments, digital archives like taz, and physical archives like Apabiz.

Given the scope of the data collection, there may be discrepancies in individual cases due to the difficulty of accessing information (especially prior to 1990). If you have more information on one or more cases, feel free to send an email.

1980 2024


Arson from outside

Arson from inside

Technical defect

Uncertain cause

Multiple events

Uncertain time
